Outdoor Classrooms and Living Schoolyards

Outdoor learning can benefit both students and the environment. School grounds can serve as living laboratories that encourage active learning while students connect to nature and form a sense of environmental stewardship. Living Schoolyards contain features or elements that support education, diversify play opportunities, and enhance the ecological benefits of  school grounds. These elements can increase local biodiversity, benefit natural habitats, and integrate natural systems into the built environment. Become inspired by the stories of the , read more about implementing green schoolyard elements below, or check out the Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Funding for Schools page for grant opportunities.

Gardens and Landscaping

Customized Assistance

麻豆精品视频's Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative (ELSI) has helped a number of districts and schools to repurpose outdoor spaces in a cost-effective way. This shift provides fresh air, hands-on learning opportunities, and many co-benefits related to health, academics, and behavior. Email ELSI@smcoe.org for help.

Living schoolyard and garden programs are most successful when they are supported by teachers, administrators, parents, students, and community members. Use the resources below to get started or connect with community partners. 

Julie Hilborn

Coordinator, Environmental Literacy and Sustainability

Email: jhilborn@smcoe.org

Phone: (650) 802-5406