Policy Recommendations for Housing Element Updates
In June 2022, the Child Care Partnership Council (CCPC) partnered with Build Up San Mateo County to write to cities and the county to encourage inclusion of policies that support the development of child care facilities in their updated Housing Elements. For working families with young children, having accessible child care near their home reduces traffic and commute times, and generally improves the quality of life for these residents. Including policies that are supportive of child care in or near housing is a straightforward way for cities and the county to contribute to creating sustainable communities where families with young children can thrive.
CCPC and Build Up SMC examined Housing Elements from throughout California and noted that some cities and counties have included goals and policies that support the development of child care in or near housing. The compiled sample can be found here: Sample Housing Element Language to Support Child Care near Housing.
Early Learning Facilities Needs Assessment
San Mateo County Human Services Agency, First 5 San Mateo County, and the CCPC partnered to conduct an Early Learning Facilities Needs Assessment for children 0 to 5 years old. The lack of early learning facilities presents a significant barrier to expanding access to high quality early learning experiences for children in San Mateo County. The County engaged Brion Economics in 2016 to conduct the study.
- San Mateo County Early Learning Provider Facilities Survey Findings
- San Mateo County Early Learning Facilities Stakeholder Survey Findings
- Site identification and cost estimates
- Recommendations for financing
- Early Learning Facilities Site Assessments & Financing Strategy Phase 2 Presentation
- Executive Summary, Early Learning Facilities Study 2016
Facility Design and Maintenance Resources
Designing and maintaining healthy and safe conditions in child care and early education facilities is important for child and staff health and program sustainability. Neglected conditions can lead to health problems, accidents and much higher costs for repair and renovation of buildings and grounds. Also, new research is identifying environmental hazards that can be avoided by use of proper practices and materials. The following resources were developed and compiled by the CCPC to support the design and maintenance of child care facilities.
- A Resource to Make Informed Facility Design Decisions (Guide and Checklist)
- Caring for Your Child Care or Early Education Facility: A Workshop for Administrators and Staff Presentation (presentation slides)
- Child Care Facilities Maintenance Resource List
- Child Care Facility Maintenance Checklist
- SAMPLE to adapt for your program
- Indiana 5-Star Program’s Building Condition Checklist
- “Healthy Schools Act of 2000 Extended to Child Care” (Integrated Pest Management law in California)
- Seltenrich, N. “Environmental Exposures in the Context of Child Care.” Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 121:5, pp. A160-165, May 2013.
Sarah Kinahan
Coordinator, Child Care Partnership Council
Email: skinahan@smcoe.org
Phone: (650) 802-5647
Rosemarie Pozzobon
Administrative Assistant, Early Learning Support Services
Email: rpozzobon@smcoe.org
Phone: (650) 802-5362